Family Support Groups
Extend-A-Family facilitates a number of support groups across Toronto independently or in partnership with other agencies. Support groups provide an opportunity for individuals to share, support one another, connect and gather
information. Please view the list of groups below and communicate directly with the relevant contact person as pre-
registration is required for all groups.
Adult Sibling Support Group
You are invited to join a support group of siblings aged 18 and up who have a brother or sister with a disability. Come together to share, support one another, and navigate the questions and celebrations that comes along with our families stories. New members always welcome.
For meeting particulars or more information, please
If you would like additional information, please contact:
Jessica Janes
Phone: 647.220.9412
Email: [email protected]
Coffee and Chat Evening Parent Group
You are invited to join our gathering of parents and guardians of children with disabilities. Our time together is an opportunity to connect with others, gain perspectives and to share while considering the many unanswered questions
parenting a child with a disability brings.
For meeting particulars or more information, please click here.
If you would like additional information, please contact:
Antonia Heer
Phone: 647.292.5144
Email: [email protected]
Dads’ Group Central Toronto
You are invited to join a gathering of fathers of children with a developmental disability. It is a place of mutual support, respect and admiration.
It is an opportunity to share many things in common, resources and heartfelt stories.
For meeting particulars or more information, please click here.
If you would like additional information, please contact:
Salvatore Rocchese
Phone: 416.530.0272
Email: [email protected]
Inclusive Education Parent Network
You are invited to join our committed group of parents, who desire and strive for inclusion in the regular education
classroom for their child with a disability. We strengthen each other through sharing stories of resilience and success, deepening our understanding of inclusive education and learning of tips and strategies to achieve this.
For meeting particulars or more information, please click here.
If you would like additional information, please contact:
Kim Southern-Paulsen
Phone: 416.757.2780
Email: [email protected]
Marlene Solano
Phone: 647.824.4252
Email: [email protected]